Application Security Testing

Comprehensive application protection, ensuring robust security throughout the entire software development lifecycle.

Application Security Testing

Web Application

Web application penetration testing focuses on evaluating the security of web-based applications, including websites, web services, and APIs. The scope of web application penetration testing includes examining the application’s functionality, input validation, authentication mechanisms, authorization controls, session management, data protection, and error handling. Testers aim to discover common web application vulnerabilities such as those listed on the OWASP’s Top 10 vulnerabilities, and other security issues that could be exploited through web interfaces.

Mobile Application

Mobile penetration testing evaluates the security of native and hybrid mobile applications and the devices they run on, including smartphones and tablets. This test includes examining mobile app functionality, data storage, authentication, network communication, and device-specific security controls. Testers aim to identify vulnerabilities and explore interactions often hidden from user interface and common usage, instrumenting the application to break business logic and data workflow.


Security analysis of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and Software Development Kits (SDKs), evaluating authentication, authorization, sensitive data handling, and other critical aspects that could be exploited by attackers. This test uncovers vulnerabilities and weaknesses from security controls, business logic design and from the perspective of implementation-based attack vectors.

Secure Software Development Life Cycle

A strategic approach to integrating security into the software development process, encompassing all phases of software development life cycle, including requirements, design, coding, testing, deployment, and maintenance. The goal is to systematically incorporate security practices such as threat modeling, secure coding standards, code reviews, and vulnerability testing into each phase. This strategic approach aims to proactively prevent security vulnerabilities and ensure that software is developed with security in mind, reducing the likelihood of post-development security issues and breaches before reaching production.

Source Code Review

Comprehensive review of the source code through automated and manual testing, identifying vulnerabilities, security weaknesses, and coding errors through detailed examination of the underlying frameworks, languages and technologies used, considering the implications of the business logic, and the domain specific use cases.

DevSecOps Integration

DevSecOps Integration seamlessly embeds security practices within the DevOps lifecycle, ensuring continuous security in the CI/CD pipeline. This approach automates security checks and balances, including real-time vulnerability scanning and compliance monitoring, to align with the rapid deployment cycles of DevOps. By integrating security directly into the development and deployment processes, DevSecOps minimizes risks without sacrificing speed or efficiency, creating a culture where security is everyone’s responsibility.

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

SAST involves automated scanning of source code, bytecode, or binaries to identify potential security vulnerabilities early in the development phase. This proactive approach allows for the detection of a diverse range of flaws, including injection vulnerabilities, cross-site scripting (XSS), insecure coding practices, memory corruption bugs, improper error handling, and misconfigurations that could lead to security breaches. Our methodology also targets complex issues such as insecure cryptographic practices, race conditions, hard-coded credentials, and security misconfigurations in code and libraries. By leveraging advanced tools and technologies, our SAST process scans a wide range of languages and frameworks, providing you with a comprehensive vulnerability assessment that encompasses both common and sophisticated attack vectors.

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

DAST focuses on identifying security weaknesses in running applications, simulating real-world attacks to uncover vulnerabilities that surface during operation. This dynamic approach tests the application in its live environment, detecting issues like misconfigurations, authentication and authorization flaws, and runtime injection attacks. DAST complements SAST by uncovering the vulnerabilities that only manifest when the application is in execution, ensuring a complete security evaluation.


Penetration Testing

Proactive assessment using tactics, techniques, and procedures of actual attackers to identify security flaws, incorrect configurations, and vulnerabilities.

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Application Security Testing

Comprehensive application protection, ensuring robust security throughout the entire software development lifecycle.

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Red Team Exercises

Simulate and emulate advanced cyber attacks to pinpoint vulnerabilities and test your organization's defense mechanisms, ensuring robust resilience against real-world threats.

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Vulnerability Management

Proactive process to identify, prioritize, and address security vulnerabilities in systems and software, enhancing an organization's defense against evolving cyber threats.

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